Sarvjeet Singh lost his career & reputation and was subjected to a long, gruelling media trial because a female's allegations were taken at face value. So have many men, going by the remarkable number of false cases.
Please note that this is not a competition about which gender suffers more, as in how many genuine cases go unreported - if anything, the false cases undermine them. It's about both the figures being remarkable enough on their own to warrant an unbiased, nuanced and informed judgement. That there are loads of Beta-males among spoiled Raja Betas and Paapi Parees among Papa ki Parees too.
A significant portion of society takes a woman's word for gospel, going by the lopsided social media trials & verdicts. Our laws are tilted in women's favour too. For that reason alone, besides the moral one, we not only need to raise our sons right, but we also need to raise our daughters right, so that they don't misuse that unequivocal trust in their word, or abuse the laws at their disposal. Be it a son or a daughter, they need to be taught that respect is earned, not demanded on the basis of gender alone, and that it works both ways.
To all the good men who go unacknowledged for their unspoken, loving, caring, rock solid support,
To all the good men in our lives whom we wouldn't lump together with and punish for others' misdeeds; who we wouldn't want to fall prey to scheming & false accusations either,
Happy Men's day!
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