Thursday, 18 March 2010


We are aware about nature and its ability to captivate mankind with its benevolence or obliterate all species with its prowess. But most of us are oblivious to the power entwined with nature- Time...Nature outlined it for the human race with day and night.

We finally ended up with our current calendar after the study of motion of earth and her neighbours...And if our ancestors had failed to grasp the nature's signals, the world would have been in chaos...What if our primitives had not taken the initiative to study the solar system? There'd be no seconds, no minutes, no hours, no days, no months, no year! You'd argue that discovering a day was obvious but what about different durations of darkness across different places, owing to the apparent migration of sun? Earth would have been a haphazard place with all the lifestyles gone haywire!

Time brought order from chaos and there was no looking back for man from then on. His lifestyle well-organized, he went on making inventions and discoveries. If there was no such system, what would have been the basis for evaluating the epoch-making theories of all the geniuses? Newton's laws, Einstein's theories, Wright brothers' dream, Satellite missions and infinite feats would have been impossible! I need not even evaluate the situation in their absence. We would be practically left with nothing but a primitive life :)...

P.T.Usha lost due to a lag of a few milliseconds. A few seconds' delay can cost you a fortune or rob you off a profit in stock market. Success, failure, life, death- it all boils down to time. Every aspect of our lives directly or indirectly relates with time.

This abstract demigod would have shaken and swept away the very foundations of human development in its absence. Nature at least gives some hints of impending disasters or even false alarms. In fact, they are predicted with the help of the twin power... But time shows no mercy. Irrespective of what happens to you, time flows, time flies, time moves on, giving a simple but the most effective message- Move on! The ultimate healing power...

Nature has its own diverse physicality. Time does not have a physical form but still you can feel it with your five senses- through a flowing river, changing weathers, ticking of clocks; finding its blurred face reflected by natural cycles...And yet it has the penultimate power of altering the very reflecting surface...

Time is the problem, time is the solution...
Race against time or race ahead with it...
Tick with time before it ticks you off...


  1. Now imagine man attaining the ability to bend time.

  2. Your blogpost outlines man's achievements because of merely understanding the concept of time, can you imagine what he could do if he attains the ability to move back and forth in time!

  3. @taikun: Very nice thought!...Can't imagine it's ramifications!...

  4. I am just happy for the time man made beer and cars and fuel.

    Without any of the above i would not have been an automotive engineer :P

    See see, time helped me get where i am now :P

    On a serious note, Time sure can screw your life over if you take things too slowly or lightly, at max we live a 100 years, in that we have a million dreams to achieve.

    Loved the post rati :)
